The Shots have Arrived...eek!

There is no getting around all of the injections needed to complete an IVF cycle. It’s, by far, the scariest part of this process, for me at least. I have always had a phobia of needles and I almost pass out during monitoring appointments with simple blood work.

Opening this large package, holding $4,000 worth of injections and supplies, my anxiety went through the roof. There are three different types of injections for this round: Gonal F pen, Cetrotide and Menopur.


We are getting into the heart of the egg retrieval cycle next week with monitoring and shots.

Mentally, I feel ready and excited to finally get this process moving forward.

At the same time, I am dreading the nightly injections.

I’m trying not to psych myself out. I have watched many videos on how to administer, and learning about tips and tricks. Do you have any that worked for you? I hope to report back in a week with tips and tricks of my own.

I am a warrior. I can do this.
